Try not to react, but listen attentively and really hear what they are saying. If you’re concerned about an addiction to something else, such as alcohol or drugs, talk to them about that as well. Let them know your concerns about their habitual lying. Approach the topic in a gentle, compassionate way. Sit down and have a loving chat with the person. They may not even realize this is what they are doing. Pathological lying can be an addictive behavior. If you see habitual liar symptoms in your loved one, try the following tips to cope: Of course, it will depend on the specific situation.
If you’re wondering how to deal with a pathological liar, there are things you can do to help you and the other person. They may display several or perhaps only one. Keep in mind not every pathological liar displays all these symptoms. The following are various characteristics of those who are pathological liars: Sometimes, habitual lying can be a sign of a mental health condition, such as borderline or narcissistic personality disorder. They lie so often that they may not even realize they are doing it. When lying becomes pathological, people lie for no reason at all. Pathological lying is different than lying to avoid consequences. Pathological liar symptoms vary from person to person. They think that if they become vulnerable and tell the truth, that they will be looked down upon by loved ones and society.

In fact, addiction experts believe lying is actually goes hand in hand with addiction. It’s not uncommon for those struggling with addictive behaviors to lie to themselves and others about their drinking or drugging habits. If you’ve ever had friends or loved ones that struggled with addiction, you’ve probably been the recipient of their lies from time to time. Is pathological lying a sign of addiction? But habitually being lied to can be a source of great pain and lead to relationship strain and/or breakups. A white lie every now and then – sure, that’s understandable. It can be confusing knowing how to deal with a pathological liar.