When around 400MB of your total system memory is available, Sibelius will show a warning dialog and offer to switch to a less memory-intensive playback configuration (e.g. Sibelius now attempts to detect when it is running low on memory while loading sounds in the Sibelius Player to avoid the application becoming unstable or crashing due to running out of memory.Thumbnails for the Recent page of Quick Start are now captured when the score is saved, not when it is closed.Text entered in the Other information field on the New Score page of Quick Start is now correctly saved in the resulting score (i.e.If you use Save As to save an open score under a new name, the original score now appears in the Recent tab of the Quick Start as well as the new score created by using Save As.A time signature is now always chosen on the New Score page of Quick Start, which ensures that if you also choose to create a pick-up (upbeat) bar using Start with bar of length, the pick-up is created correctly.Switching on Start with bar of length on the New Score page of Quick Start now correctly puts the focus into the duration control.

The manuscript paper chosen on the New Score page of Quick Start is now correctly remembered between sessions.Typing the shortcut Ctrl+ N or Command- N to show the New Score page of Quick Start now correctly ensures the Quick Start window is brought to the front.The Sibelius installer now correctly overwrites the files that specify the location of the Sibelius application package for the purposes of ReWire, so if you reinstall Sibelius to a different location, ReWire will now work correctly without first having to click Repair in Audio Engine Options (Mac only).Sibelius is now always correctly registered as a ReWire device when first installed (Mac only).